Kryger Carlson PC
Representing residents of Oregon in Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury cases since 1909

We Don’t Get Paid Unless You Do
Kryger Carlson PC has represented those with Workers’ Compensation & Personal Injury cases since 1909 to the residents of Oregon. We will represent you honestly and fairly if you need assistance in any of our specialized practice areas.
We’re here to help you make sense of a complicated and emotional situation. If you’re calling us, you’re likely going through an incredibly challenging time. We will fight for your rights, earn your trust, and make sure to get you the compensation you deserve. Because of this, we don’t charge any fees until your case is won and you have been paid. Until then, we’re here for you every step of the way.

Motor Vehicle Accidents
When you suffer an injury in the Oregon, you could be awarded financial compensation. Our firm specializes in fighting for our clients’ rights in motor vehicle and personal injury accidents, from the first call all the way through compensation.

Work Injuries
Every year, many Oregonians are harmed or even killed in the workplace because of unsafe working conditions caused by lax safety procedures, negligence, faulty equipment, or poor supervision.

Medical/Legal Malpractice
Countless other patients sustain a serious injury as a result of mistakes that occur during surgery, from wrong or missed diagnosis, or from a medication error. If you or a loved one suffered from a medical mistake, speak with our medical malpractice lawyers and find out if you have a case.
We are here for you every step of the way.
Call us or contact us through the form below. We will fight for your rights, earn your trust, and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
Kryger Carlson PC
Offices in Eugene, Albany, & Salem, Oregon
Tel: (541) 928-6171
Fax: (541) 967-8225
Email: carlson@krygerlaw.com
Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat & Sun: Closed